Grow Confidence in Your Capabilities, Lovability & Worth

Improve High-Functioning Anxiety, Self-Doubt & Imposter Syndrome with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Get my free guide to improve anxiety & self-doubt

Anxiety and self-doubt are the worst.

On the outside, everything in your life might appear to be just fine. You have it all together. You are motivated, intelligent, successful, accomplished and organized. You probably have achieved a great deal in academics, your career, family life, friendships or life experiences. Because of all of this, people might not even realize you have anxiety. Or if they do notice something, they might chalk it up to you being a perfectionist, an over thinker, a go-getter, an overachiever, a planner, or detail-oriented.

But you know that these descriptors don’t capture the full picture of what is going on inside of you.

Behind the scenes is an underlying anxiety and self-doubt that you are desperately trying to overcome with all of this “doing.”  All of the striving, accomplishing, planning, perfecting, people-pleasing and workaholism is how you try to prove your worth to yourself and others. And you are exhausted. You are tired of feeling bogged down by all the unreasonable expectations you place on yourself.

Somewhere along the way, you became convinced that you are not good enough.

And this has become the lens with which you see yourself and the world around you. And, even though there is plenty of evidence to prove you are good enough, you have a hard time accepting it. It seems that no matter how much you accomplish in your personal and professional life, you still don’t believe you measure up. Terms like “high-functioning anxiety” and “imposter syndrome” might have resonated with you at some point in your journey.  

All of the anxiety, self-doubt and imposter syndrome has left you feeling like you are in somewhat of a stuck place.

You feel stuck between the life you are currently living and the life you know is possible. At one point or another, you might have pictured another version of yourself. It is still you, but it is the version of you that you know you are capable of becoming. The you who believes you are lovable, worthy and competent, with no need to prove yourself. The you who is confident about the value you add. The you who is finally free from all of the worry, self-criticism and insecurity that has kept you from feeling good about yourself and living your best life. You are ready to take the next step but are unsure of where to start.

Some examples of how this anxiety and self-doubt might play out in your daily life:

  • Feeling inadequate in relationships and professional life

  • Often feeling compelled to prove you are good enough

  • Engaging in people-pleasing and difficulty setting boundaries at work or home

  • Doubting whether you belong in your career role or personal situations

  • Worrying about how you are perceived in various situations

  • Being overly critical of yourself

  • Engaging in perfectionism to prove you are capable or worthy

  • Having unrealistic expectations of yourself

  • Putting a lot of effort into maintaining a certain image in personal or professional life

  • Feeling insecure in friendships or romantic relationships

  • Ruminating over what you say or do because you fear it made you look bad

  • Assuming your personal and/or professional accomplishments are due to external factors (mere luck/chance, connections, timing, lowering of standards)

  • Assuming your personal and/or professional accomplishments are not due to internal factors (your likability, unique value, intelligence, hard work, talent, skills)

  • Struggling with envy, jealousy or competitiveness in professional or personal life

  • Assuming others are more effective, capable or likable than you

  • Second-guessing your performance, opinions & decisions

  • Comparing yourself to others unfavorably

  • Sacrificing time for yourself & your loved ones to get more done

  • Feeling deflated, insecure and/or burned out as a result of all of this

Perhaps you have tried talking to loved ones or even a therapist about this.

But just talking about it hasn't made a big difference. You still wind up in the same old place of feeling anxious or unworthy. There is a reason that just talking about things hasn't helped much. You don't need another listener. You need new skills.

What you need is to retrain or rewire your brain.

See, at some point you began to believe you weren't good enough due to certain life experiences. You internalized one or more of these incorrect beliefs about yourself:

  • I don't measure up to others

  • I am incompetent

  • I am ineffective

  • I am vulnerable

  • I am weak

  • I am unlikable

  • I am unworthy

These beliefs only got stronger over time because you paid selective attention to any potential 'evidence' of you not being good enough. The psychological term for it is called confirmation bias. You essentially searched for data to confirm what you already believed to be true.

This can all be changed.

Your beliefs are not static or permanent. Based on the principles of neuroplasticity, or brain plasticity, you can retrain your brain to process information differently. You can change your beliefs about yourself by actively altering the pieces of information you pay attention to and how you interpret those pieces of information.

In the words of my clients...

I had climbed my way up the success ladder and, yet, somehow still remained so unsure of myself. The imposter syndrome was killing me.  I’m amazed at how much more bold I am at work than I was before. The exposure hierarchies really forced me to do things that made me uncomfortable, like speak my mind and set boundaries. It was hard in the beginning but my confidence increased exponentially. I am now more outspoken,  assertive and less willing to put up with nonsense.

I wish I had found CBT before. I spent years in therapy talking about my anxiety and fears around not being good enough. But it didn’t help much. I had no idea that there were techniques like this out there. What really hit home for me was when we worked on my core beliefs. Once I learned how to rethink my assumptions about my past and shift what I pay attention to  in the day-to-day, I started to see just how smart and talented I am.  I am so much more sure of myself now.

Imagine if you really believed that you are capable, likable and worthy. Your life might look quite different. You might:

  • Stop feeling the incessant need to achieve in order to prove your worthiness

  • Feel more confident in your likability, value, worth, talents and skills

  • Be able to hold yourself to reasonably high standards instead of perfectionistic standards

  • Feel more comfortable saying ‘no’ and setting boundaries in your professional and personal life

  • Be able to internalize your accomplishments & recognize that you are the reason you are where you are in life

  • Feel safe, content and at peace, knowing you belong and deserve to be where you are in life

  • Be more assertive and able to express your thoughts more freely because you know they are valuable, helpful and/or insightful

  • Be less compelled to compare yourself to others or be competitive, envious or jealous because you are confident in your own worthiness

  • Stress less about maintaining the “perfect” image at home or work because you know your value even when you are inevitably imperfect and make a mistake

  • Worry less about what others are thinking of you because you know their assessment does not determine your value

  • Have the energy and freedom to do more of what you love because you are more confident and take better care of yourself

Hi, I'm Dr. Brittney Chesworth

I am a therapist, researcher, educator and coach. I’ve spent the past 15 years helping high-achieving women with anxiety and imposter syndrome transform into more confident, secure professionals who believe they are worthy and capable in their careers. High-functioning anxiety and imposter syndrome are my favorite things to work with because I struggled with these issues for so long. For many years, I felt compelled to earn my self-worth through achievement and accomplishment. But no matter how much I achieved, I still never felt good enough. I know how real this struggle can be. You are not alone.

It wasn't until I tried cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) that I started to notice a significant change in the way I saw myself. CBT is a skill-based, action-oriented type of intervention that reshapes unhelpful thoughts, beliefs and behaviors. CBT is one of the most evidence-based treatments available. Inspired by my personal growth and change, I decided to specialize in CBT and began using these methods with my clients. I've watched my clients experience remarkable transformation in their lives (in relatively short periods of time) through retraining their brain and changing how they see themselves.

My TikTok account (@drbrittneychesworth) has helped me to realize that videos that include both education and entertainment can be a powerful learning tool. This inspired me to develop a program that combines educational and entertaining video lessons with individual coaching sessions to reinforce learning.

Be a Boss Lady: Grow Confidence in Your Capabilities & Worth

In my signature program, Be a Boss Lady, I help high-functioning women with anxiety, self-doubt and imposter syndrome recognize and embrace the boss that is already in them. I coach women (ahem, boss ladies) on how to recognize the boss in themselves and change the way they think and behave using evidence-based CBT techniques. Educational and entertaining videos allow me to make learning more interesting and fun. This individualized online coaching program is a dydactic, intimate and collaborative experience that transcends what coaching or course learning could accomplish by themselves.

During our 12 weeks together, you will receive a total of 8 individual coaching sessions, 27 course video lessons, as well as weekly worksheets and email support to help you practice skills in-between sessions. And we will have a lot of fun doing all of this! Because, afterall, doesn’t laughter and connection make learning more enjoyable?

This program IS for you if...

You are a high-functioning woman who experiences anxiety, self-doubt and/or imposter syndrome
You are tired of how your anxiety and self-doubt impacts you in your professional life
You want a structured program and would enjoy the combination of course modules, coaching & action plans
You are seeking specific results in your professional life- change that is visible to you and others
You are motivated to put in the work to make big changes happen
You are looking to have fun while doing all of this!

This program is NOT for you if...

You have anxiety but don't struggle with issues related to self-doubt, self-esteem and/or imposter syndrome
You are not interested in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
You are looking for a quick fix (changing dysfunctional thoughts, beliefs and behaviors takes time and intentional effort)
You are looking for someone to just listen (this is a very action-oriented, collaborative process to help you develop new skills)
You like the idea of this program but don’t have a lot of time or energy to invest in making these changes right now

How we'll do it:

1. You’ll complete the brief application (to make sure this program is a good fit for your needs)

2. If determined to be a good fit, we’ll book a 30-minute complimentary Discovery Call (so we can connect and I can learn more about you and your needs) 

3. You’ll enroll in the program 

4. You will receive a welcome packet, including the course/coaching curriculum and your individualized schedule for the 12 week program 

5. The learning and coaching will begin! 

6. After program completion, you will have permanent access to all of the course learning materials as well as recordings of all our coaching sessions. 

This is what the program looks like, week by week:

Week 1: Orientation on Anxiety & Imposter Syndrome

  • Read orientation packet on the key features of anxiety & imposter syndrome 

  • Individual coaching session #1 

Week 2: Identifying Cognitive Distortions  

  • Module 1 (Lessons 1-3): How to identify cognitive distortions

  • Individual coaching session #2

Week 3: Evaluating & Challenging Cognitive Distortions 

  • Module 1 (Lesson 4): How to challenge distorted thoughts

  • Complete homework for Module 1 and submit to me for review/questions/feedback

Week 4: Evaluating & Challenging Cognitive Distortions

  • Individual coaching session #3

Week 5: Identifying Core Beliefs, Rules & Coping Mechanisms 

  • Module 2 (Lessons 1-3): Identifying your core beliefs, rules & coping mechanisms  

  • Complete homework for Module 1 and submit to me for review/questions/feedback

Week 6: Identifying Core Beliefs, Rules & Coping Mechanisms 

  • Individual coaching session #4

Week 7: Changing Negative Core Beliefs 

  • Module 3 (Lessons 1-2)

  • Individual coaching session #5 

Week 8: Changing Negative Core Beliefs 

  • Module 3 (Lesson 3)

  • Individual coaching session #6 

Week 9: Changing Dysfunctional Rules & Coping Mechanisms  

  • Module 4 (Lesson 1): Replace your unhelpful rules & coping mechanisms with healthier, more adaptive rules & coping mechanisms 

  • Complete homework for Module 4 (Lesson 1) and submit to me for review/questions/feedback

Week 10: Understand Impact of Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms with Cost-Benefit Analysis  

  • Module 4 (Lesson 2): Examine the costs and benefits of the coping strategies you use to deal with anxiety and imposter syndrome 

  • Individual coaching session #7

Week 11: Using Experiments & Exposure Tasks to Build Confidence with Behaviors  

  • Module 4 (Lesson 3 & 4): Replace Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms with Healthy Coping Mechanisms & Improve Confidence with Experiments & Exposure Tasks 

  • Complete homework for Module 4 (Lessons 3 & 4) and submit to me for review/questions/feedback

Week 12: Using Experiments & Exposure Tasks to Build Confidence in New Behaviors  

  • Individual coaching session #8

The cost of the entire 12-week program, including individual coaching sessions and lifetime access to the course modules, recordings and resources is $3,500

A three-month payment plan is available at no additional cost.

Got questions?

Please email me at brittney(AT) Happy to provide clarification!